
NO4WD - May 2022

Presidents Narrative..

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Hi everybody,

A big thankyou to Donald Taylor for organising the weekend trip to Glenmore Station and the Cass Valley. Thanks to Pam Phaup for a great trip report and thanks to Shirley Taylor for sharing her pictures. It looks like Glenmore has its very own 'Wanaka' tree.

Pictures can be seen on the club web site.

The details for the Reefton trip in June are listed below. This is a trip not to be missed.

The club committee agreed unanimously to accept the Covid 19 policy document drafted by Jennifer Dorsey. Many thanks to Jennifer for your work on this policy. It is listed below for members to read.

The AGM for the club was held on Tuesday evening 17th of May. Thanks to all members who came along.


Welcome all and thank you for attending our  AGM for 2022.

While in the Nelson area for the last couple of weeks I have had some time on my hands to compile an annual report for the club.

I wrote down a few ideas then suddenly realised that I had filled eight pages of my note book. Thinking this was far to long for a presidents report the simple solution was to rewrite it on larger paper.

Firstly I would like to thank all of the committee for the work they have done in the last year. Tthe last 2 years due to the covid pandemic have been trying to say the least but despite this the club has functioned very well and we have all enjoyed many good trips and times away.

Our club has always been noted for having a welcoming and friendly atmosphere about it. I hope this will continue always.

As you all know the club would not exist without trips and these don't happen by themselves. So thank you to all members who have spent time and effort in organising some fantastic trips for all of us to enjoy.

At this point I would like to make special thanks to the following people.

The first is person is Ian Vercoe. Thanks Ian for all the work that is done in the background keeping us informed of what is happening in the club. This work takes a lot more time than most of us realise I am sure.

The next person to thank is Jennifer Dorsey. Jennifer has stepped into the role of secretary / treasurer when no other member was prepared to. I believe Jennifer has done a wonderful job and hopefully will continue for another year, perhaps with the help of an under study who may consider taking the job on the following year. Many thanks Jennifer.

The next person I would like to thank is Russell Thompson our trip coordinator. Russell has devoted a lot of time and effort into making sure our trips go off smoothly and to plan. As I've said so often without trips we have nothing.

With that in mind I would encourage every member to take part in organising a trip at some stage.

The last person I would like to thank is Greg McFarlane our vice President and I hope soon to be president. Greg has stepped into the role of chairperson on many occasions for various reasons when I have been unavailable and has done a great job. I hope everyone will help Greg as much as they have helped me.

Tthank you all - keep your wheels turning - Les Weir

Club web site address

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To view the club's web site click on this address     www.no4wd.co.nz

Did you know you can log into the web site and check your name and address details..

Enter your email address in the login box or click on 'login' if you have forgotten your password so the system can send you a temporary password...

Once you have logged in click on Personal settings to check your details...

if you change them be sure to click on the button 'update contact details' at the bottom of the screen after you have changed the data in the boxes...

Trips and related photos can be viewed by click on Events Summary ofrom the left menu... then click on 'search' and the system will display aschedule of all the club events held dince 2008.. select the event to view the photos that have been tagged to that event.

If you have any problems with this.. please email me for assistance...


Upcoming events..

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Annual Subscriptions are due now $50.00 early bird - invoices have been emailed out

June 12th  - Reefton - trip info schedule below -

www.reefton.co.nz - for accommodation info - Dawsons Reefton Autolodge is a good option


July - Mystery tour

August - Driver experience day - date to be advised

November - Southland - date to be advised



From the archives #1 May 2021 - Ribbonwood Station - Omarama

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Trip Info schedule - 12th June - Reefton and environs

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Trip Reports - 30th April - Glenmore Station - Cass Valley

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On Saturday 30th April 2022 eleven vehicles gathered at the Shearers Quarters on Glenmore Station, Lake Tekapo, where the owner, Jim Murray introduced himself and gave us a brief history of the Station.

Glenmore has been in the Murray family for 115 years and is currently farmed by Jim's son and daughter-in-law, not to mention his 10 year old grandson whom we met driving a farm vehicle down the Cass valley and later informed us he had been driving since the age of 5.

Jim hopped into Donald's vehicle and led us up the valley, the track in excellent condition as it is the access for cross country and Heli skiers, also a hunting guide. With the fully booked hut accommodation the track maintenance begins in January after the nor west rains in preparation for the winter season.  There was very little water to see in the Cass with it going underground, vastly different from our last trip 13 years ago.

Our first stop was Waterfall Hut, unfortunately no water fall this time, and then meandered up the riverbed with the Farraday Glacier and Mt Hutton at the head of the valley.

We stopped short of that and had lunch at the Memorial Hut, built in honour of Jim's uncle who perished while mustering,  The day was glorious and we made the most of the extended lunch break before heading back down the valley to Tin Hut which had been completely renovated, the grand children inside playing cards.

From there we headed back down the valley to the Shearers Quarters with drinks and nibbles before our pot luck dinner which beat any restaurant meal.

On Sunday 1st May Jim once again joined us on our Godley Peaks trip and gave a brief account on the history of the area. His ancestors originally owned Godley Peaks, Glenmore and Braemar Stations but when they downsized the lady of Glenmore wasn't going anywhere so the other stations were sold. She must have been a strong lady.

We travelled over the Cass River to Godley Peaks and continued up the well-formed track passing paddocks, one had a twelve span irrigator with every second span weighted down, and then onto a bluff looking down on Lake Tekapo, before coming back down onto the flats and reaching the John Scott Lodge, which is used by Timaru Boys High School and others.  There was also another hut which was used by an employee of the station during the winters, to keep an eye on the stock on the valley floor.

After smoko, and by this time was a bitterly cold wind, we headed up the vast vegetation covered valley passing a musterers hut and continued on till we reached Rankin Hut, only to find a tree had come down and totalled it, five years ago I think.  The bravest of us found matagouri bushes to shelter us while the rest opted to have their lunch in their vehicles.

From this point we could look up to the top of the valley to the main divide and view a number of glaciers including the Godley and Maud.

We then headed back down the valley arriving at the Shearers Quarters around 4pm.  Jim was thanked for his two days of guiding and the weekend enjoyed by all.

Thank you Donald and Shirley for organising the weekend, we look forward to your next one.

Committee 2022 - 2023

President: Greg McFarlane    Ph:03 4372734, 0272294399

Vice President: Harry Van der Pauw  Ph: 0220710321

Immediate Past President: Les Weir    Ph:03 4342367, 02743422188

Secretary/Treasurer: Jennifer Dorsey    Ph:03 434 8610

Newsletter: Ian Vercoe     Ph:03 4452796, 0211708030

Trip Coordinator / Advisor: Russell Thompson    Ph:03 4343247, 0221914690 

Committee members:

Chris Thompson   Ph 03 4343247

Noel Bain    Ph:03 4371849, 02128 9001

Ken Hinton   Ph:034372749

Graeme Herbert   Ph:0279104484

Ron Pringle  Ph:021476 635

Glen McGregor Ph:03 4395448

Social Convenor:  Les Weir

Life Members: Neville Daniel, Laurie Young

Club web site and link to past eNews issues   www.no4wd.co.nz  

North Otago Four Wheel Drive Club Inc - Covid 19 policy

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North Otago Four Wheel Drive Club Inc



The purpose of this Policy is to establish and communicate the North Otago 4WD Club’s (NO4WD Club) position regarding the health and safety risk management of the impact of Coronavirus Disease -19 (COVID-19) in relation to the health and safety management practices when the NO4WD Club congregate together for Four Wheel Drive Trips, Socialising and Meetings.

Our approach is based on our obligation to members to provide a safe environment which minimises risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable to our club members, families and guests who attend four wheel driving trips.

This Policy aims to assist the NO4WD Club to assess and manage exposure to viruses, and thereby meet its obligations under the current legislation.


This policy applies to all Club Members, Club Members Families and Guests who attend excursions.


Club Member means a person who is a fully financial member of the NO4WD Club

Club Member Family means a spouse, children, grandchildren, siblings of a fully financial member of the NO4WD Club

Guests means a person who has been invited by a fully financial club member or, wishes to become a fully financial club member of the NO4WD Club who attends on a trip.

Evidence of Vaccination means government recognised proof of vaccination including a vaccination certificate (i.e. My Vaccine Passport), a letter from the Ministry of Health or other evidence that the NO4WD Club deems appropriate.

Vaccinated (Person) means a person who has received all the doses of a government approved COVID-19 vaccine, or combination of vaccines, and administered in accordance with the specific requirements as specified in Schedule 3 COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) in accordance with Ministry of Health guidelines.


With the presence of COVID-19 in New Zealand, there is the clear risk of infection on any interactions with people including, 4WD trips and monthly meetings.  The transmissibility of the COVID-19 virus has also increased with the Delta and Omicron variants and possibly with future variants, further increasing risk to club members.

As a responsible club, we have an obligation to ensure the health and safety of our members and their families who attend monthly 4WD trips and meetings.

Where COVID-19 vaccine is available, receiving it is considered a reasonably practicable step under the Act to reduce the risk of infection.   Due to the increased potential threat of serious illness posed to people regarding COVID-19 infection, we strongly encourage all existing members and their families to be vaccinated with the government-approved COVID-19 vaccines and to maintain this with necessary booster vaccinations, subject to medical advice.

We recognise and respect that vaccination is a personal decision, and we acknowledge that there will be circumstances in which individuals are advised by their medical practitioner not to receive the approved COVID-19 or other vaccines for medical reasons. 

It may also be the case that the individuals choose to not be vaccinated because of their personal views or beliefs.  If club members are concerned about the vaccine they are encouraged to conduct research from credible sources to make the most informed decision. 

However, if it is the individual’s choice not to be vaccinated it must be recognised that as part of this policy and the NO4WD Club reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure the health and safety of non-vaccinated members as well as providing a safe and healthy environment for all Club members.


Under this policy, the NO4WD Club will follow all mandates the New Zealand Government has put in such as the COVID-19 protection framework (‘Traffic Light System’) to control the spread of COVID-19, see summarised diagram below.

At all levels of the government’s COVID-19 protection framework (‘Traffic Light System’), there is a requirement to manage the risk of spread of COVID-19 to keep our club members and families safe and ensure we can continue to undertake our activities in a managed safe environment. 

When under the Orange and Red settings, there is an elevated risk in our region and as such, when 4WD trips and meetings are being undertaken it requires club members to: -

  • Be fully vaccinated with a government approved COVID-19 vaccine, including any booster shots;
  • Be able to show either a ‘My Vaccine Passport’ or a letter from the Ministry of health or other evidence that is deemed appropriate by the government on request;
  • Not vaccinated be subject to assessment with controls implemented to manage the risk
  • Follow the Traffic Light system mandates around the wearing of a face mask at gatherings or in a confined space shared with other groups or members of the public.
  • Be responsible with social gatherings and follow the dictates of the Traffic Light System

As the NO4WD Club will follow all mandates the New Zealand Government has put in, it may, in its sole discretion, amend, modify, revoke or replace this Policy.  This may be necessary as new information is made available, a change in COVID-19 variants, or the situation in New Zealand changes (including a change in legislation or regulation). These changes will be deemed to be inforce once the club members have been notified via the appropriate processes.

From the archives #2 A pic from February 2012 - Oteake Conservation Park - Peter Mountain checking the 'flex' in the 'cruiser'

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for Holden and Toyota vehicle servicing...

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